Welcome to Joseph Lanza's website !

I started my journey at the 42 school (Paris) the 06/11/2022. I finished the Common Core the 06/12/2023. I am currently working to get a RNCP level 7 certification (information system and networks).

🔗 My resume


This website is hosted with a web server software developed as part of a group project during the 42 school curriculum.

Alt Text Webserv
A web server in C++

Low Level

Alt Text KFS
A kernel in Rust and asm
Alt Text Minishell
A shell in coded in C
Alt Text Nand2Computer
My own 8bit computer and asm

Video Games

Alt Text Cub3D
A Wolfensteing3D-like in C without any game engine
Alt Text So_long
A 2D video game coded in C without any game engine

Data Structures & Algorithms

Alt Text Push_swap
Sorting a stack using another stack in C


Alt Text Pong Office
A Pong online hidden in a LibreOffice page in React


Inception of Things
An introduction to kubernetes and continuous integration.

